Адриан Эверсен: картины мастера городского пейзажа |
Картины известных художников - Яркие личности в искусстве |
21.10.2022 10:06 |
Adrianus Eversen
Adrianus Eversen (1818 - 1897) – известный голландский художник, родился в Амстердаме 13 января 1818. Учился живописи у Корнелиса де Круифа. Признанный мастер городского пейзажа. Эверсен был высокопочитаем при его жизни, он продал много картин в Бельгии, Великобритании, Голландии. Традиционно его творчество относят к романтизму. Adrianus Eversen (1818 - 1897) was born in Amsterdam on 13th January, 1818. He studied painting under Cornelis de Kruyff and became one of Hollandâ??s most accomplished painters of town views. His works are reminiscent of the earlier 17th and 18th century Dutch masters Jan van der Heyden (1637-1712) and Isaac Ouwater (1750-1793). He studied with his contemporary, Cornelis Springer, who was the acknowledged master of the townscape of this period and he competed for patrons with him throughout his life. Eversen lived and worked in Amsterdam, exhibiting there between 1840 and 1885. He also exhibited in The Hague and Leeuwarden before moving to Rotterdam in 1889. Eversen was highly regarded during his lifetime and he sold many paintings in Belgium and Great Britain as well as in Holland. The English collector John Sheepshanks, whose collection was left to the Victoria and Albert Museum, bought his works. Eversen was a member of the elite association of artists known as the Arte and Amicitiae. His works are detailed topographical paintings which are interesting from both an artistic and historical point of view. He depicts figures from all walks of life going about their daily business in the towns of Holland and his paintings are a sensitive and enlightening record of the life of the times. The artist died in Delft on 1st December, 1897. Video presentation
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